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UPDATE: With prayerful discernment, we agreed to hold Annual Retreat in person in 2024. A hybrid format allowed zoom participation for those unable to attend physically.
We will continue to use this hybrid format in 2025 to keep Retreat accessible to everyone.
We are replacing in-person activities with interactive video technology. We continue to support each other and look forward to the time we can once again be together in the same place.
Sisters, Brothers, Workers, and Applicants are assigned to small clusters, not geographically based, with a Cluster Leader who acts as a spiritual guide. Each cluster member writes a monthly letter to the Cluster Leader and receives a reply.
Members living in geographic proximity gather monthly for Holy Eucharist, study, and fellowship. Companions and Friends are welcome at Corporate Communions.
A monthly bulletin features news notes, spiritual sharing, themed articles, and reflection questions. With the Bulletin is a list of prayer requests from members. A special calendar gives the birthdays of members and commemorates the dates our departed members entered the Communion of Saints.
In addition to the monthly prayer list, timely requests for prayer are shared by email and phone. Each person attending Annual Retreat has a prayer partner with whom to pray during Retreat and throughout the coming year.
Members gather annually at a four-day retreat featuring worship, fellowship, study, reflection, and fun. Companions and Friends are welcome at every retreat. Scholarships are available to those for whom attendance might be a hardship.
* During the pandemic, Retreat has been held online.
Each year has a theme, focusing on inner growth and outward growth in alternating years. These themes are explored at Retreat and through the monthly Bulletin.
Applicants and any members wishing to deepen their involvement in WSHS/WBHS are assigned mentors for a course of in-depth study packets.